1062 Bear Creek Blvd. Hampton, GA 30228
Monday – Thursday
9am – 1:00pm, 2:00pm – 6:30pm
Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Welcome to our online Patient Intake Form. The information you fill in will be sent directly to our office, speeding up your office visit and allowing us to better serve your healthcare needs. Please be sure to complete all sections, including signature and approvals.
1062 Bear Creek Boulevard Hampton, GA 30228 770-946-0405
All information you supply is confidential. We comply with all federal privacy standards. If we do not believe your problem will respond favorably, we will refer you to disciplines we believe will help you. In order for us to understand your health problems, please complete this form neatly, accurately and completely. THANK YOU.
List present concerns or complaints and approximate date they began.
How does this condition currently interfere with your life and ability to function?
Health History and Symptom Review
A thorough understanding of your heath history is necessary in order to provide the best and most appropriate care. We are a complete wellness center and would like to assist you with any other health concerns you may have along with chiropractic care.
Additional Symptoms
Please indicate 0 as "least" or "never" to 3 as "the most" or "always". (Optional Section)
Releases and Agreements
I have read the above explanation of chiropractic treatment. I have had the opportunity to have any questions answered to my
satisfaction. I have fully evaluated the risks and benefits of undergoing treatment. I have freely decided to undergo the
recommended treatment and hereby give my full consent to treatment as indicated by my signature below.